Spring Clean Your Life- Part 2

IMG_5767.PNGSpring Cleaning Series- Declutter your life…

In my last post I shared a few simple ways to spring clean your home. I hope this gorgeous weather has put you in the spring clean mode and given you a little extra motivation to get started if you haven’t already! Today I’m sharing a few ways to clean up your life. We all have clutter in our lives in one form or another. Some of us more than others and at times it creeps in on us without us even realizing it. So here are a few ways to freshen up our lives and live out our best self!

1. Evaluate your Priorities
Carefully examine your commitments and decide which ones excite you and bring you energy and which deplete you. We have a tendency to say yes to everything without fully thinking through whether or not it’s something we should really add to our plate. It’s okay to say no to things or even step away from a commitment that isn’t a good fit for your life right now. So save your yes’s for the most important things in your life!

2. Reconnect with Old Friends
Many of us have lost touch with someone in our lives either because there was a falling out or simply because life got in the way. Take the time, make the effort, go the extra mile to either repair or reconnect with the people you care about. Grab coffee, pick up the phone, send a note or a sweet package to remind them how important they are to you!

3. Throw Out Old Grudges
Nothing will clutter up your life more than old grudges. Throw them out by letting go and learning to forgive. Life is short, really short and generally not worth the grudge your holding on to. Journal about your feelings or better yet write the person a letter and express how you feel.  Whatever you need to do to move forward, do it and then choose to let go and not look back.

4. Try Something New
It’s easy to get in a routine of life and operate on autopilot. We get comfortable in our daily bubbles but how refreshing it can be to add something new to our lives! It may be as simple as trying a new restaurant or walking at the park across town instead of the one by your house you always go to. Change can feel good! So, go find something new to add into your life and see what happens!

What in your life needs a little decluttering, a little freshening up or clearing out?! I would love to hear from you!

Keep shining my friends,
A. Flavio

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